Tips For Drinking More Water And Staying Hydrated Starts With Bigelow Botanicals Cold Water Infusions

Bigelow Botanical Cold Water Infusions 

Drinking water is essential for our bodies to function properly says The Mayo Clinic, but nearly half of Americans do not drink enough water daily says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which is a concern because water is required for regulating body temperature, aiding in digestion, transporting nutrients, and flushing out toxins. 

At Bigelow Tea, we understand that staying hydrated is important to maintaining overall wellness, so one solution that can help you reach your healthy living goals is adding Bigelow Botanicals Cold Water Infusions to your daily routine. With zero calories, zero caffeine, and no artificial anything, each unique flavor of Bigelow Botanicals Cold Water Infusions is carefully crafted with beautiful ingredients that slowly create a lightly infused, delicious botanical water.

So, how can we develop regular healthy drinking habits that keep our bodies functioning at its best? Let’s take a look. 

Set a ‘Drink More Water’ Goal 

Create a plan for the amount of water you want to consume each day. As a rule of thumb, the recommendation is to drink about 8 glasses of water per day says the Mayo Clinic. As a start, why not replace plain water with the very popular Bigelow Botanicals Blackberry Raspberry Hibiscus Cold Water Infusion? With blackberries being a vital source of vitamin K, vitamin C, and manganese, says the Cleveland Clinic, your hydration will get an extra boost. Sip, enjoy, and repeat until you have met your goal.

Tip: It is important to understand you may need to increase your water intake based on your individual hydration needs, which may be affected by:

  • Exercise: When you exercise, your body loses water through sweat, making it important to drink enough water to replenish what you have lost. Drinking water before, during, and after exercise can help keep you hydrated and improve your performance. 
  • Climate: Hot and humid climates can increase your need for water, as can high altitudes. In these conditions, it is important to drink enough water to stay hydrated and avoid heat stroke or other heat-related illnesses. 
  • Medications: Certain medications, such as diuretics and antihistamines, may increase your risk of dehydration by causing you to lose water. Be sure to talk to your doctor if you are concerned about how your medications might be affecting your water intake. 
  • Alcohol and caffeine: Both alcohol and caffeine can have a diuretic effect on your body, which may cause you to lose water more quickly. If you drink alcohol or caffeine, it is important to drink enough water to offset these effects. 

Always Carry a Reusable Water Bottle 

Whether on the go, sitting at your desk or busy at home, one of the easiest ways to drink more water is to keep a reusable water bottle with you throughout the day. This way, as a suggestion, you can sip Bigelow Botanicals Blueberry Citrus Basil Cold Water Infusion whenever you are thirsty, rather than relying on other beverages that are high in calories, sugar, and artificial ingredients.

Created by using real fruits and herbs steeped in cold water in order to extract each blend’s exceptional flavor, Bigelow Botanicals Cold Water Infusions can easily be enjoyed on the go; simply infuse in cold water for a light and refreshing taste. For a unique twist on classic lemonade, enjoy a refreshing burst of juicy strawberry and essence of orange blossom with Bigelow Botanicals Tea Strawberry Lemon Orange Blossom Cold Water Infusion, perfect for the beach or your next outdoor get together.

Tip: heading to the airport and have to buy water after going through TSA? At an outdoor music festival or sporting event and you have to buy water from an inside vendor? Make sure to always bring along your favorite Bigelow Botanicals flavors so you can easily drop it in the water for a special treat that is hydrating and healthy.

Make it Delicious 

Don’t be afraid to admit you may find plain water boring, we get it. Drinking more water just got easier and more refreshing with all of the Botanicals flavors, a great solution for staying hydrated every day. Have you tried infusing cold water with one of our favorite flavors, Bigelow Botanicals Cranberry Lime Honeysuckle Cold Water Infusion? It’s an easy, yet satisfying, way to meet your daily goals. 

Make it a Habit 

Speaking of goals, make drinking water a regular habit and combine it with other daily routines. Drink an extra glass each time you brush your teeth, or before you eat a meal, for example. A happy good morning practice might be to make a refreshing glass of Bigelow Botanicals Watermelon Cucumber Mint Cold Water Infusion first thing when you wake up. Now that’s the way to start the day off right! 

Bigelow Botanicals Cold Water Infusions are an easy and healthy way to love your water and meet your daily hydration goals. Bigelow Tea is committed to helping you drink more water throughout the day so next time you reach for a good-for-you, delicious beverage, consider reaching for Bigelow Botanicals Cold Water Infusions. Your body will thank you!